Thursday, April 23, 2009

Scripture Study Poems

I was driving home from Brigham early Sunday morning listening to some LDS church songs when the thought struck me that this might be a good way to improve my scripture study. I don't consider myself a great poet, but I thought that it might be beneficial to try to create a poem as I am reading my scriptures. Then, today, the thought struck me that I could post what I'm working on along with some of my other random thoughts on my blog. Just be aware that these poems are not going to be finished, nor will they most likely be magnificent pieces of work.

However, if you have any brilliant ideas or critiques of my poetry, feel free to make comments. Like I said, I'm not a great poet. The best poetry I came up with in high school was "I want to be a hermit, just like the muppet kermit." My creative writing teacher copied Vicini from "The Princess Bride" and said, "Stop this rhyming now, I mean it."

Today, I read about the feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and five fishes in Luke Chapter 9. The sentence, "For we are here in a desert place." seemed to stick out to me. I wrote the following, but can't seem to get much farther today.

How shall we feed them?
We have not sufficient food.
For we are here in desert place.
We will perish if we stay..
Give what you have

I want to add something about how God, Christ, Faith. . . will provide the rest. I'm already concerned that "Give what you have" is too cliche ish. I'm also developing a second verse with a reference to possibly to Elijah's servant who sees the angels fighting their battle. Something like:
How shall we fight them?
We have not sufficient stregnth.
For we are here in surrounded place.
Wel will perish if we stay
Give what you have (whatever my chorus ends up being.)

On Monday, I came up with something a little better. I was reading about "Master the Tempest Raging." in Luke 8. It's not great, but I think I like the direction a little more than the one I came up with today.

Tossed on the waves,
I thought I would perish
So I cried unto my Lord
And there was a great calm

Covered in darkness,
Gloomy and threatening
I called for someone near
And there was a great calm

Fighting through the crowd
To touch just his garment
He turned and I saw my Savior
And there was a great calm

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